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Meeting Information


Whether you are returning to MomCo, new to MomCo or just wanting to check out MomCo, we would love for you to join us! Here is some meeting information about our MomCo Meetings...​


Our typical meetings include eating, socializing, listening to a special speaker, having discussion time, and doing a creative activity. Throughout the year there are special meetings that don't follow our typical meeting outline but it always includes eating and socializing!


We plan monthly "all-plays" at various locations and activities, as well we host an annual clothing swap, twice annual Moms Night out, Special Events and Munchkin Market (our semi-annual children's consignment sale). There are many opportunities each month outside of MomCo to grow and build relationships with the moms in our group. 


MOPS is an international organization that develops a unique theme every year that inspires our overall message, speakers,  and crafts. You can learn more about the 2023/24 theme HERE.

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6:30 - 8:30 pm two Wednesdays of the month. The Fall semester has 8 meetings September through December.  The Spring session has 10 meetings January through May.


Woodland Park Community Church located just off Hwy 67 at 800 Valley View Drive, in Woodland Park. (719) 687-9444



YES! Childcare is offered at our meetings at a heavily discounted cost! Please see membership costs below and click HERE for more information about KidsCo.



No money is required now but registration is to secure yours and your children's spot in KidsCoYour first meeting is FREE and you are welcome to join us at ANYTIME throughout the year!

  • The Registration fee helps cover (does not cover in full) MomCo childcare expenses and MOPS International Fees.  It does not cover all extra expenses (crafts, our party meeting, copies, leadership training, gifts, and supplies)

  • Payment will be required by your second meeting paid to our Finance Coordinator. We accept cash, check (made out to WPCC), or credit card. Costs are listed out below.

  • We do not offer a pay as you go option.  Each semester must be paid in FULL by the second meeting of each semester. 


WITH CHILDCARE (Total $130.50):

Fall- $58 (8 meetings)         

Spring - $72.50 (10 meetings)           



Fall - $34 (8 meetings)               

Spring - $42.50 (10 meetings)                



Woodland MomCo wants to include any mother who wishes to join our group regardless of her financial situation. If you would like to attend but need a partial scholarship please email and our Finance Coordinator will be in touch with you shortly.



Our meetings are currently in the evenings and not following the school schedule. Therefore, most of the time we will have our meetings not matter the weather!  There is no reimbursement for inclement weather. 



Our fees must still be paid if you attend a meeting or not.  We can not refund for missed meetings.  After 3 unexcused absences someone will reach out to you see if you would like to be a part of the group.



Please be considerate of others and refrain from talking during announcements, speaker presentations and craft instructions. Please do not get up to dispose of trash or to get more food until after the speaker has finished. If needed, feel free to utilize seats that available in the back to minimize distractions.



Please remember to check-in with our Finance Coordinator at the front table in the foyer. You will find your name tag at your table, please be sure to put that on. 

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